In different jurisdictions, oil and gas companies maybe required to provide a directional drilling well plan as part of the drilling procedures with their respective oil and gas commission.
Permitting a directional or horizontal well in your preferred geologic basin, most oil and gas commissions in the United States require the directional or horizontal well plan to be submitted with the Application for Permit to Drill (APD).
The well permitting process may also involve the directional well planner to work with other oil and gas company departments such as Land, Geology and Drilling & Completions, thus creating the best possible well planning solution for the greatest opportunity for success.
The well planners at WellPlan Services provide this level of directional well planning service if such a deviated drilling well plan is required by your oil and gas commission.
Whether directional drilling a pad, section or any deviated directional well, please contact us if you require such a well planning service with your drilling procedures as we can provide this from our well planners on a per well plan or hourly rate.